Keeping Children Safe

We all need guidance and support from time to time. These websites should help if you feel you need support or are looking for some hints and tips to improve your physical or mental health.

 Andrew Tate Parent Information

Across the country teachers are becoming worried about the social media influence of Andrew Tate. Our concern is that his influence is affecting the beliefs and values of some of our students, and Tate's misogynistic beliefs are spreading into school. We are having conversations with students in school on a daily basis and are taking these opportunities to educate against misogynistic hate and towards our values of peace, respect and tolerance.  

We advise all parents to have a look at this resource and have open discussions with your children about the topic, to support us in keeping misogyny out of schools. If you have any concerns, please contact your child’s Associate Head of Year or a member of the DSL Team.

Anna Freud #selfcaresummer

Bored? Lonely? Isolated? Find some great ideas of ways to fill your time and improve your mood

Anna Freud- Urgent Help

If you or someone you know needs help right now, you should, if possible, try to talk to a parent, carer or trusted adult. If talking to an adult is not possible, these organisations are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


Help line- 0800 1111


You will find details of how to contact Childline as well as useful hints and tips to help over the summer


It’s safe and easy for you to speak to a qualified health professional. Just send a message, you don’t have to give your name. You’ll get confidential advice from trained health staff in your area.

Young Minds- Sleep

NHS- Sleep and Tiredness

Sleep Foundation- Teens and sleep

We all have problems with sleeping, waking, or having bad dreams sometimes. If sleep issues are affecting you, we can help you tackle them.

Suicidal feelings

If you’re feeling so down that you can’t see a way out, you are not alone. Lots of people have felt like this and – with help – managed to get through it. However bad you are feeling right now, there is a lot of help out there for you.

Distraction Techniques

If you are struggling or finding things difficult, it is worth thinking about other ways to occupy your mind. This is a great list that might help.

Health for teens- Exercise

Health for teens- Nutrition

A healthy lifestyle feeds a healthy mind and can really improve concentration and mood. These websites have some great ideas and tips to get you started.


Leicester City Council- Safeguarding

Duty and Advice (0116)4541004

If you have concerns about the welfare of a child.

A guide to protecting your children from online hate, extremism and fake news

A straightforward guide to protecting your children
from online hate, extremism, and fake news.


Live Safe is a space for information and support on staying safe in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.